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Chris Van Hollen On Health Care Plan: Not What Donald Trump Campaigned On | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Senator Chris Van Hollen Calls New Health Care Plan A 'Sneak Attack' | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Chris Van Hollen: Healthcare Bill Puts House In Play In 2018 | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Health Care Under Donald Trump: What Next, USA? | Morning Joe | MNSBC
Senator Chris Van Hollen: Donald Trump Budget ‘Is Totally Fraudulent Accounting’ | MSNBC
Sen. Chris Van Hollen: Revised Travel Ban Will Be 'Harmful' | MSNBC
Trumpcare WILL fail Bill Kristol DESTROYS Donald Trump's healthcare plan
Sen Chris Van Hollen on GOP's "Plan" to Replace ACA
Chris Van Hollen Brilliantly Points Out How Trumpcare "Violates the Hippocratic Oath"
Price grilled on Trump's health care promises
Chris Van Hollen: If A Country Meddles “The Consequences Will Be Severe” | MSNBC
Republicans Seek To Resuscitate Health Care Overhaul | Morning Joe | MSNBC